Sunday, July 13, 2008

Finally…an update!

It has been so difficult for me to find the time to update our blog. I think I must be the worst blogger out there as it seems like everyone else I know with a blog is pretty timely with their entries. I have no idea what my excuse is. The last entry I wrote was over three months ago…see what I mean? I am going to make a huge effort to stay with it this time. So instead of catching you up on the last 8 months (which is how old Dylan is already…I can’t believe how fast time is flying), I am going to focus on the highlights over the past couple of months and continue on from there.


Dylan turned 6 months old on Saturday, May 3rd. It was a big weekend for him. On Sunday he was dedicated at our church. It was such a special ceremony. Not only was it extremely special because we dedicated his life to Christ but he went through the ceremony with three of his little friends (he doesn’t really know them yet as they all range from 6 months to 15 months but he will get to know them very well as their parents are good friends of ours). It was also extremely special because my parents, my brother Rob and sister-in-law Angela, and Anthony’s parents Danny and Michelle were all there too. After the ceremony we went to Rob and Angela’s house where we had a party for Dylan. Dylan also tried his first solid food that day. It was rice cereal and guess what…he didn’t like it at all. It was funny because we were all gathered around watching in anticipation. We thought for sure he would love it as he is a little chow hound from me. Well, the frown on his face was priceless when he took the first bite. Even after 8 months he still isn’t that into solid food. We keep at it twice a day. He is just now starting to open his mouth for me as if he actually wants to eat. I know I will look back someday when he is a teenager, eating everything in site and I will laugh when I remember how I would practically have to force him to eat solids when he was a baby.

We finally got our new boat in the middle of May!!! We decided to sell the old one, even though it was only 3 years old, and get the new model that has some amazing upgrades. We were hoping to get it in time for Danny’s 50th birthday party at the river but we didn’t. It is custom made and took 8 weeks to be completed. Oh well, it was worth the wait. It is absolutely amazing and Anthony did a great job designing the LOUD stereo we had put in it. We finally went wakeboarding behind it a couple of weekends ago. It had been a year and four months since I have been able to strap on my wakeboard and I can’t tell you how good it felt to get pulled up behind the new boat!

Dylan went for an early morning ride in the boat as it gets too hot during the day for him to be outside (it can get up to 120 degrees at the river in Arizona but we LOVE it). He loved the boat ride aside from having to wear a huge life vest and me getting sun block in his eyes (I didn’t think about him rubbing his eyes when he gets tired and sure enough he got the sun block from his hands in his eyes. I won’t make that mistake again!). The motion of the boat put him right to sleep. He is going to be our future little wakeboarder for sure!

I had my first Mother’s Day. Unfortunately I was really sick for Mother’s Day and stayed in bed for most of it. I prayed so hard that Dylan would not get sick and thankfully he didn’t. His pediatrician said it was because I am still breastfeeding him. Once my body went into fight mode to get ride of the virus, it made antibodies in my milk for Dylan to fight it off too. Wow, it is amazing how God thought of everything!

Memorial weekend was another fun adventure. We spent the weekend at my parent’s house in San Pedro. It was my mom’s birthday so we decided to go to the Aquarium of the Pacific. Dylan LOVED it. He had so much fun watching all of the fish swimming around. We kept looking at the cute expression on his face wondering what in the world he was thinking. It was a great day!


Dylan is now 7 months old. Time is flying by soooo fast and Anthony and I are trying to take in every moment. The poor kid probably has vision problems because there is constantly a flash going off from us taking so many pictures. Anthony bought a really nice camera when Dylan was born and has probably taken, no exaggeration, about 16,000 pictures. I am really having a tough time going through all of them and picking out the best ones for his baby book…Ah Ha I am going to use that as my excuse for not having time to keep up with our blog! June was filled with so many changes in Dylan’s life. It seems like every day he does something new and exciting. He can now sit up extremely well all by himself. He enjoys sitting up and playing with his toys. He also rolls around really well. He loves rolling from his stomach to his back and then over again. He is also extremely observant. He will roll on his stomach, analyze the floor and find the tiniest piece of lint and pick it up. He also loves to make people laugh. We think he is going to be a comedian like his dad. He will do something funny like blow bubbles and then look at us and wait for our reaction. Once we start laughing he gets a huge smile on his face and starts laughing too. It is so funny. He is really a happy baby and we love his personality already! We still can’t figure out who he looks like. There are times when we see each other in him but for the most part he is his own person. His eyes are now hazel and his hair (what little hair he has) is light brown. He has my light skin…I just hope it can tan like his daddy.

We did some fun activities this month. First was Father’s Day. My parents were in Colorado so we spent the entire day at Danny and Michelle’s house in Murrieta. We were joined by DC and Cole, and Nani and Polo. It was a beautiful, warm Southern California day. We thought it was the perfect day to have Dylan go in the pool for the first time. Anthony carried him in and held him with his legs in the water. Dylan immediately started moving his legs like he was swimming. He was in heaven. He loved it! I am so happy he loves the water so much because so much of what Anthony and I like to do involves water. He spent at least 40 minutes in the pool laughing and splashing in our arms. It was a special Father’s Day and I am sure Anthony would agree.

At the end of the month we went on our first family camping trip to Carpinteria. We borrowed my dad’s motor home and went with our friends from our bible study group. In all there were 20 adults and 8 kids. It was an amazing time and Dylan really seemed to enjoy it. The Carpinteria campground is right along the ocean, so needless to say, we spent a lot of time down on the beach. Dylan saw waves and felt the ocean for the first time. Since he loves water sooo much he really enjoyed it. The trip is annual so I can’t even imagine that next year I will be chasing after him as he tries to run into the ocean. Wow, I am definitely enjoying this immobile time in his life.


Dylan is 8 months old and is getting huge! Everyone makes fun of me when I hold him as he looks so big in my arms. He weighs 18lbs and is 28 inches. He still doesn’t really like his solid food. I haven’t given him fruit yet as I really want to give veggies a fair shot. I am sure he will love his solid food once we introduce fruit. He is not crawling yet but Anthony and I give it three weeks to a month. He acts like he wants to crawl. It is amazing because he can get anywhere he wants to go by rolling. I can’t help but laugh at his new form of transportation. He is very vocal and says ma ma ma ma and da da da da da but he doesn’t say it because he knows what it means. We think it is just easy for him to say and he likes to hear his voice. He also loves to try making different sounds that I can’t even explain. I will miss those sounds someday. Dylan also loves it when we hold him up into the standing position. He moves his legs like he is dancing. He loves to hear his daddy play the guitar so maybe he is going to have rhythm and musical talent like his dad. So far this month he has learned to wave…kind of. Dylan loves his great grandfather Polo. Polo is the only person, at this time, who can actually get a full hand wave out of Dylan. For the rest of us, Dylan will only raise his pointer finger as if to say, “I am too cool to give you the full hand wave”. It is hilarious!

So far this month our main activity was the 4th of July weekend. Danny and Michelle were in Boston with DC and Cole and they graciously let us stay at their house for the weekend. It was fun because it was like a little mini vacation. On the 4th my parents came over and so did Nani and Polo. We had so much fun with Dylan in the pool again. My parents couldn’t get over how excited he gets in the water. Dylan fell asleep before the fireworks and Anthony and I carried the baby monitor to the driveway and were able to watch an amazing show from the sports stadium nearby. It was a wonderful way to end such an amazing day.

Updated 7/13/08

I started the above blog entry on Friday night as we were driving to the river. It takes 3 ½ hours to get there but it is worth every minute. People think we are crazy but it is like a little vacation every time we go. We love it! So I had plenty of time to work on the above entry. Well we are now on our way home and I have more updates to write about from the weekend.

It was a BEAUTIFUL weekend at the river! The weather was perfect. It was only 105 degrees with a breeze. It was a special weekend because Danny and Michelle were there too. We love spending such quality time with them at our little river paradise. Last year Anthony and I bought a home right next to theirs at Echo Lodge Resort and it has made it so special for all of us, especially now that we have Dylan. We haven’t seen Danny and Michelle for 3 weeks as they were on vacation and we missed them a lot. They couldn’t get over the many changes in Dylan in just 3 weeks. Dylan missed his “Nana and Tata” too and was excited to see them. Michelle and Danny are troopers as they volunteered to get up extremely early with us (5:30 am) so we could get “good”, “glassy” water to wakeboard. Michelle babysat Dylan while Danny went with us in the boat. We also took Dylan down to the water for the first time as it wasn’t too hot for him this trip. He really enjoyed watching the boats and feeling the sand between his toes. He discovered a piece of sea grass and tried to eat it but I caught him just in time. Yuck! Speaking of eating, guess what? Last week I promised him if he ate his spinach I would give him fruit this week (not that he understood me, but hey, you never know). Well, we gave him organic apple baby food this weekend and HE LOVED IT! This is the first time he has eaten solids and truly enjoyed it. Michelle fed it to him…I think she has the touch. She can actually feed him without getting it every where. She is a PRO! I love watching her technique. Every time Anthony and I feed him we practically have to give him a bath after. Oh and another new development…Dylan waved at his Nana and Tata! It was a full hand wave, not the pointer finger wave. Wow, they really rate to get that from Dylan! They loved it and so did we. Well, we had a wonderful weekend filled with lots of laughter. I love this time in our lives.

Until the next blog entry (which could be months with my track record) may your days ahead be blessed with joy!