Friday, April 11, 2008

Dylan James Franco...catching up on the last 5 months

Well, we have a lot of catching up to do. Five months have flown by so fast. So we'll start from the day we were given the best blessing and gift of our lives.

As most of you know, Dylan was born November 3rd, at 3:39pm. I was in labor for 22 hours but everything went well. Dylan was 8lbs 7oz and 21 1/2 inches. Our moms were in the room to witness the miracle and they saw Dylan take his first breath! Anthony was the BEST coach EVER. He took charge and made sure the doctor got there on time, fed me ice chips, encouraged/motivated me while I was pushing and didn't even faint! Wow, what an amazing husband. We didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl. I will never forget the first moment we saw that God blessed us with a little boy.

Our family (my mom and dad, Rob and Angela, Danny and Michelle and DC), plus Janice and Debbie were there the entire 22 hours. That is dedication...or delirium. :) It was so special to have so much support and love.

Our family blog

Keeping in touch with family and friends has become much more challenging with a 5 month old. We used to be able to just pick up the phone and chat but now all of our free time is spent cleaning up the house, paying know all of the fun stuff. Dylan is growing so fast and it seems like every day he does something new and amazing. So we figured that starting a blog is a great way to keep in touch and keep you "posted" on what's happening with the Franco's. :)